Dec 19, 2011

i wish..

last week punye sengal maen futsal x ilang2 smpi nk gelak pon kne tahan perot.
and this week my family went to langkawi without me. yesszzaa, whithout ME. i wish..

Dec 3, 2011


oh hoi tadi melahap durian di dusun. 
mmg bebaloi baloi bangon pagi subuh alang semata nak mkn durian. 
nak pegi lecture pon x bangon awal cenggitu.  
malas nk explen betape marbelesnye buah nunian.
let the pics do the talk.

before rompak dusun.
tadaa!!lepas rompak dusun.
muke lahap.
mission accomplish!

pulang dengan hati girang

credit to dr muhaimin.thanks for the mabeless durian.god bless you for feeding starving loompas. 

Nov 20, 2011

life is funny.

xde kaitan pon title dgn content. tajok sure nak eye catching ek.
blog membe2 laen sume share psl raya aji. so nak gak la share. 
taon ni raye kat umah.yey~
so bgn pagi-smyg raye-takbir-salam makcik2-balek umah. 
abah awal2 dah ilang kejekan lembu bejemaah kat surau.
 while the rest going back to Sendayan, our kampung. tak kampong dah uols. 
dekat setaon lepas uwan pulang ke allah, aku tak balek kampong. 
so memang jatuh rahang tengok the difference after a year. 
nyesal dulu tak amek gamba. klo tak blh buat before-after.
hutan dah takde. jangan nanti kubur tu pon dye ratakan. 
memang aku saman kerajaan. 
since aidilfitri ritu tak jenguk pon kubur, so aidiladha kene la datang. 
mesti rindu allahyarham jaharah daud(uwan), muhd faiser(uncle), baharin abu samah(atok), muhd farroihan(kazen) kat kami lama tak jenguk kan. alfatihah. 
so the rest of the day just hang out with family 
teman angah abeskan dwet dye kat parkson. 
patsu jalan2 kat seremban..jalan2 as on foot okeh. bkn naek kete. naek kaki. 
naseb baek aku tak pakai jubah semayang raye td.
 kalo tak haru kene tahan polis grup jemaah islamiah sesat mane ni. 
ingat masa zaman takde kete dulu, jalan kaki nak beli baju, beg, kasut sume. 
memang walking thru memory lane ni ktorg..
then the next day baru masak rendang+nasi impit+kuah kacang. 
pekes derr?? raye semalam aahh..
ni kes abang akak aku kempunan lahh nih. 
nak bawak balek umah masing2 katenye. sedap aih rendang mak..lelehh..
dah2 cite psl raye. 
balek utp earlier than anyone sbab ade educational trip pegi thailand. 
ni kalo nak citer sampai subuh tak abes. 
all in all, thailand ni, sopping=heaven. makan=hell.
balek2 trip je, keje menunggu dengan banyak. malas nak komen. sebab takkan abes. 
funny thing about life is that no matter how u hate it, 
its still happening, whether u like it or not. 
so just enjoy while u can. 
nak buat fydp.

Nov 1, 2011

hell of a week

tengok kat title dh taw dh sure2 nk meraong.
dis week mmg sumpah gile hectic.
fydp.projek.esaimen.tuto.testS.nmpak capital tu?ade 2 test okeh.
btw, kames ni balek. nak selebret raye aji.
last yr was a big mistake sbb takbli tiket awal2.
bajet ayah kau ade share dgn plusliner.
so in the end, betakbir dlm bilik kat yutipi pkol 1130 am. taksempat pon pg smyg raye. -.-''
tadi bru abes test. bsok ade sepam g.
nk stadi lu. allah, permudahkanlah ain dan rakan2 menjawab test polymer besok. aminn.

taon nih mak abah korban tak eh?
lame tak sembelih2 nih. haihh
selamat ari raye aidiladha.
semoga aidiladha taon ni mmbawa rahmat dan rezek buat semua umat islam di muka bumi. 
cewahh, nak test ayat islamic takbleyblah. 

Oct 18, 2011


tau tak menatang ape tu?? mknenye sodaqallahulazimm..hehe. 
in simpler words, ari meraikan lucutnye title 'student'. 
taon ni konvo agak menyedihkan+memenatkan. 
sedih sbb x dapat celebret dgn besties. 
penat sebab keje part-time as florist. 
jual bunge tym convo mmg hell of experience. 
tapi bebaloi bile dpt gaji hasil titik peluh sniri. 
saket kaki tangan toksah citer. 
convofair plak memang tak pegi. 
btol2 spent few mins je kt sane melawat gerai mmbe2 lps abes keje. 
but all in all, it was fun. taon depan, insyaalah aku yang diraikan. aminn. 
taksabar ni nak tengok airmata mak abah di hari konvokesyen aku. 
tetibe omsick. 

Oct 7, 2011


btol orang dulu2 cakap blog adalah untok budak intern becerite ape yg dorg buat 8 bulan. abes je inten, abes cite. so ni nak la hapdet sket. rumusan untuk aktiviti beberape bulan pas intern. so lps abes inten, 2 bln cuti. like true loser, 2 bulan digunakan sebaeknye utk menopap lemak tepu di serata bahagian badan. saho-tido-maen game-tibi-bebuke. malam ikot cough*teraweh*cough. haha.

raye plak mencatat rekod sebab pestaim besemangat menghentak lomang. gamba bukti tak buleh disyer sebab gamba seksa. takot nmpak laen, tak nampak lemang. baju raya?ni memang mendatangkan marah. dr bulan disember 2010 ak anta, makcik tu tak siapkan. memang mendapat carutan manja di ramadhan mulia. so tepakse beraye gune baju form 4. pfft.  

ujung bulan 9, balek utp. terase sendu meninggalkan tibi peneman duka lara. balek2 utp dpt plak bilik ala2 zoo.subuh dibangunkan dengan bunyi unggas.cengkerik.lipas.dan sewaktu dengannye. pastu ade plak show monyet2 belari larian. dari atuk nenek, hingge ke cucu cicit oneng oneng sume la. tiga sem dok utp, ak rase boleh graduate dengan bahase monyet. sem 1 ko baru nk blaja vocab. sem dua gune isyarat. sem tiga aku rase boleh communicate dah dengan monyet2 neh. gamba akan di apdet kemudian. dorang ni tak ske capab. so kne snap snyp2.

tade g nak cite. same as oways, awal2 sem sume girang. cube dh week 3, muke macam jeruk mengkuang for sure. k-bai.

btw, adek kecik aku pmr minggu nih, dgn minggu dpn. moga dipermudahkan tuhan hendaknye. amin~

ni adek aku.cube teka ape dye cube buat? btol dapat begamba dgn monyet pree. 

Jun 27, 2011


last weekend me and linda was back to utp.
arrived at bt gajah around 9.40pm. my besties were coming and i was so emotionally happy.thanks brian,pokcik,miya,kenit,haziq and sweet of u guys coming to get us despite your busy final year life,ability test and all.
since there was an ability test, we didnt go anywhere on saturday. but in the night, we had our last badminton-time together.
next day, we went to lubuk timah. kinda hectic outing since we had to rush back before 5pm since our train depart by 6pm. we didnt manage to celebrate our 5 birthday-combos as grand as it is, but all in all, thanks guys. you guys rock!
abit sad for the "farewell"speech, but hope we can still meet up after u guys graduate.
for the neck-chocking "news", darling, seriously i'm fine. 
after all, have my new baby all the way from manchester coming back by the end of july. if he is my happy ending, gotta bring him to meet u...keke.  
to pokcik, mala, kenit, miya, haziq, bo, brian, bujed, rin and itah, wishing the best luck on your side in the venture of the real life.
    lots of love,muahhks.

Jun 22, 2011

busy weekends

actually there's alot of things in the world outside. cewahh..pujangga x? haha..bukan hape, dulu awal2 intern dok melangut wiken x buat ape. balek n9, lepak2, shopping, shopping and shopping..yeah, basically u know stuffs that giving away all the money inside my super empty pocket.
so one of my fellas asked me to join him on Pesta Chow Kit Kita. never heard of this, but sounds fun. so, on 12th june, at chow kit road, there was a so-called 'pesta ckk' at KL krash pad. since i was so busy with my horror final presentation, so me didn't manage to go for orientation. on the day itself, i was kinda lost on what to do, which dept, and bla..bla..after met Paan, and my HOD, they put me under food sampling dept. food?omg..
fyi, the theme for Pesta ckk this year is to introduce to peeps, street walkers, and tourists what kind of food we have in chow kit. i was responsible to distribute free food from a pakistani's restaurant. overall, it was fun, there were street gigs, flash mob, new peeps, free food..hehe..we're gonna have crew party this weekend. also got an event called 'main dengan rakyat' at dataran merdeka. and it happens on the same day. confused2.
read some article bout giving back to community. so, i decided to join a volunteering program called salam. never heard of it. of course..typical me.
so my first event as an illegal volunteer(keke) was Qua Qua. weirdo. went to hulu selangor, to join LUAS, 'lembaga......air selangor'..haha..eventhough it was my first time joining them, it was alot of fun..
carik binatang dalam sungai,  and our team(kump 4) was super-duper best!! credit to kak ila, abg taro, kak ti, and few can't remember their names.haha..but all in all, we all rockss!! journey from lrt bdr tun razak to ampang was embarassing cos bau sungai+hapak+hanyir..
then last weekend, went to bejimba de'rimba at bamboo camp, hulu selangor. 2 days of jimba. kene jd raksasa gigi, trekking pacat gigit kt perot besar-gile-nak-mati. pictures? cek-it-aut at my fb acc. 
its 5pm. time to go home. ciao! 


Jun 7, 2011

the end.

tak lame lagi nak abes minus a month. becampor baur okeh nak masuk utp blek. satu sebab dh lupe abes sume mende. dua rase cam lembab gile otak skang nih nak terima mende2 ilmiah ni. sape suh tengok tb citer maksiat je..aishh

last weekend was an unexpectedly unplanned plan(betol ke english ak nih?) dengan kak tasya pegi singapore. abes je keje kat LTTR melaka, husband kak tasya ajak dtg singapore since he got training few days earlier. so without thinking ak pon saje la gurau manje cakap "yok g singapore", tetibe sume ter-eksaited plak. ahh, sudah. ak dgn x de passport nye. ni memang keje gile. petang tu jugak g wt paspot, ic baru sume, dgn muke minyak2, tudung serabai, amek gambo. 
sumpah buruk gile gamba paspot -.-''

malam kames ktorg nek bas n tadaa!! it's singapore.haha.
the next day we went to universal studio singapore. di-convertkan entrance ticket dye ke dwet mesia beharga almost rm160. demm. but one thing for sure, sumpah bes nak mampos sume thrill rides dye. roller coaster yang tesangat byk sampai tak sempat nak naek sume, even roler coaster budak2 pon aku semangat jerit2..tapi belum smpi tahap kaki ak gigil la. so xdela scary sgt pon. haha.overall sangatla bebaloi2 tiket yang mahal tapi ko msuk pkol 12 balek pkol 8 dan kaki ko hampir teputus lapan.
balek je kl, tgk dwet dlm bank mamapu buat ko pose 30 ari spanjang bulan rejab ni.

mrs woody.

qistina. tgk tudung, akak jual karipap lg cun.

ni tym smpi. mekap x cair g.

tgk si qalish blkg tuh, ya allahh..haha

2nd visit, dun wanna talk about it. its not that satisfying, think would have done better. tapi lega sebab dh setel. alhamdulillah. so skang ni, moving on to the final report. lapa. nk trun bli bekfes. ciao!

May 30, 2011


OMG-duet abes byk minggu lepas.
insidious & karak.


two same genre movies.full of ghosts.scary.eerie."sumpah-crazy-scary-granny".
insidious is one of a kind english ghost movie that makes you can't sit still while watching it.
dengan takde sound efek, hantu nye interframe sampai ko tak terase besalah tesungkit kepale org depan. 
tak macam karak yang hantu nya sangat la kelakar dan tak penah masuk shotlisted dalam senarai hantu orang melayu..pocong,langsuir..bla2..
insidious got a dramatically twist at the end of the story while karak's ending, i can say alot like long khong, "my friend are actually already dead, but still i cant let them go". predictable.buhsann..
OMG-weekends yg sumpah best gile
went to national youth day dkt putrajaya with jela, combi n jela's sis.
it was fun but my leg was hurting like hell.
campo tolak selekoh sume, its more than 3 km of walking distance.
24:7 ade perform durhh. puhliss, suckerr..

OMG-kurang seminggu utk 2nd visit
yang ni sumpah cuak okeh. baru siap slides, tp skrip is no no.
ya allah, permudahkanlah urusan hamba mu ini. aminn.

and..OMG artis melayu.
one of my friends sent me a link on  a blog about malay artists. 

ape ni? masyaallah.
sangatla menginsafkn dan menjadikan ak lebih besyukur jdk org kampong dan tak jdik artis.hoho.
tededah sane sini, laki pompuan tepelok tecium.
yang tua tak sedar diri. yang muda pikir hidop lame.
tak nampak dunia makin sampai ke penghujungnya.
ya allah, tetapkan hati ku dalam iman. aminn.
‘Whosoever chooses to follow guidance, follows it for his own good; whosoever goes astray, goes astray to his own loss.’
(al-Isra’ 17: 15)

May 22, 2011


byk yg nk di story. tapi skang ni masa kritikel woh.
6hb second visit. aku satu projek pon takde.
sv plak tak dapat datang on that day. aishh.
tapi takpe. positif2. 
insyaallah sume akan berjalan dengan lancar. (poyo, dalam ati kaw owh s**t hell.)
last week sume orang dalam opis takde. 
so dengan bahagia dan gumbiranya pergi ke level 3 dan menuntun cerita baru di tgv. 
nur kasih the movie and pirates of the carribean.
untuk aweks di luar sane yang ingin menge-test tahap rimbunan taman di hati kekaseh sile lah menuntun filem nur kasih ini. bawak towel 2. jangan pakai tisu. nanti baru halfway, dah abes sekotak sebab kongsi bedua. so better bawak towel sorang selai. then, the shots were awesome. sangat la eye-catching. ada lawak, sendu sume. so overall for me, 3 stars kot.
untuk fans of hot-sexy-charming-jackass capt sparrow, filem ini hanya lah untuk pengubat kerinduan anda. compared to previous pirates movies, yang ini sangatla tak adventure. yet its still funny and worth your pennies. so rated 3 1/2 stars. (half tu sbb ade johnny depp ok.)
before semangat bekobar nak buat report padam, baek buat sekarang.

cuak tunggu 6hb. mimpi jack sparrow 3 ari in a rows.

May 9, 2011


menuju ke penghabesan duration inten. 
weekly repot bau cecah week 8.(skg week 21?entah.)
bz folo kak tasya outstation.
9/5 besdey mira syamimi.
10/5 besday angah.dpt acer iconia.sigh~

May 6, 2011

title pn xsmpt nk tulis. 
just a short n quickie update.
spent 250 ka-chingg!! at <24 hours just opened uniqloo in klcc.
i bought:
a pants.
a three-quarter legging.
2 mickey shirts.
4 bigbang collections.(3 belongs to katrina's and one for me.)

got one free one piece tumbler. 
even though cant grab that limited edition woven bag, dpt tumbler pn jd laa.
can't wait to go to zoo with jela tomorrow. monkeys, gajahs, your dearie is coming.

8/5-11/5 ke prai and lumut fuel terminal.
dwet tgl 150. cube untuk beristighfar.

May 5, 2011

anda gamers??wajib baca!!

game freaks?
if your answers 1/3 yes, do click and check this out.

"There is no delight in owning anything unshared"

May 4, 2011

ooomai vin diesel

arini smgt giler okeh nk pomot cter Fast5, or nama panjangnye fast and furious 5.

memula tak nak tengok sbb semangat nak tengok scream 4.
 tapi sebab pegi beramai2, tiket pon dah book, tengokla jugak. 
u can say i'm sorta die-hard-fan of past fast and furious films, so tak rugi pon tengok kan.
so here goes the review.
intro je dah stylo. walopon part bas melambung kinda intriguing, how come the car wasn't moving a slight when hundred tonnes of bus hit it hard, but u can push that aside bila tengok muka brian o'conner yang macho lagi kachaks.
tak boleh nak stori banyak, sbab nanti tak seprais. nak taw, tengok seniri.
all and all, the storyline was smooth and clean, even though u can feel the same vibes with ocean11(same vault.keke) 
but still the van-diesel team was cute(especially negro-mulut-takreti-nak-diam dengan dua negro yang bomb toiletpolis-kuar-taik-besepai).
comment on actors?what can i say. Ladies were gorgelicious and the guys just delicious especially vin diesel and paul walker. (me was drooling throughout the movie -.-')

my fave scenes of the movie(memang eye catching okeh) 
1) brutal fight scene between vin diesel and the rock. perghh, exceptionally intense. rase cm tgh tengok wrestle mania pun ade.haha.
2) from train robbery to brian jumping for saving his ass off the train, then hero comes to save his life with 240 m/hr 1966 Corvette Grand Sport towards the cliff seriously heart pumping woh.(part ni satu panggung senyap).  

the most classic scene goes to the scene where they snatched away Reyes' vault. bukan scene yang polis kejar tuh, scene dorang gune walkie-talkie. sumpah classic. skang ni kalo tengok movie/drama sume sokmo gune communicator that look-a-like ear-buds(cam citer leverage/csi). dorang plak, still guna walkie-talkie lagi. REALLY BELIEVABLE.

overall, 5/5. Entertaining. Smoking hot. Hilarious. Me droooooling. 
so yeah, i give them five. even though kinda down sebab racing scenes ciput harah, tapi scene dorang race guna patrol cars sangat la comel.

filem malaysia klo nak ak rate 5, puhlis la jangan guna awie jadik hero.  

May 3, 2011

menjelang final exam.

Lame woo tak apdet blog ni. tetibe arini rase nk tulis sumting plak.
Smlm cheting ngn mmbe majority skang ni tgh stadiwik+exam-fever. Kt utp pon same dorg tengah stadiwik!!
Since baru lps academic re-structure, exam+cuti+stadiwik di utp tunggang langgang. Packed. Compact. ko tgh inten, bajet stress arr. haha.
since still in the middle of intern, so the bieberexam-fever isn't affecting at all la kan.. Tgk adnan sempit pn xde rase besalah. ingat dulu last semester time tgh stadi wik, poyo tak bukak laptop ni. konon bazir mase, baek bace buku dr tunggu satu website loading dgn kelajuan yang mampu buat ko terjun tingkap tingkat 3.
mase stadi+exam wik ni macam2 hal ajaib boleh terjadi.
carta bawah ni hasil pemerhatian semasa exam+stadiwik selama hampir 4 taon blaja di UTP.

1. Hormon Tak Stabil, Muka Ketat!
ni berlaku tetiap kali musim stadiwik. baek laki, mahupon pompuan. Takde tekecuali. lagi dekat nak exam, lagi ketat. Sampaikan nk pinjam pemadam kt rumet pn kene istighfar seribu kali dulu. takot kang pemadam yang ko mintak, penampar yang ko dpt.

2. Tupperware Buleh Recycle Betimbun Kat Tong Sampah.
since utp tgh demam 'lets-go-green', polistrin is strictly prohibited. kene gune tepawe yang buleh recycle(20 sen kot). bile dh byk sangat bende ko tak cover, tapau become the smartest option. sambil makan, sambil bace notes. turun cafe kang ade tb. tgh2 makan ade sinetron plak. tak tgk rugi. jumpe plak membe. nak borak lagi. haishhh..nk selamat dari dogaan, makan la dalam bilik.
ade tu time beratur nk bayor siap bwk nota ni.

3. Library Jd Tumpuan.
time nk exam, library jadik tumpuan. sanggop redah ujan petir ni semata nak stadi kat library. dok bilik kang ade laptop. ade katil. bau bace 3 baris, katil dh memanggil manggil. dugaan..library kang sume orang stadi. nak tido lama2 malu okeh. Take-5 je neh. kalo kt bilik, "marini, kejot lg 30 minit". rasenye aku stat tido td pkol 3, kenape bangun2 dh pkol 6 ek?  

4. Movie/series Marathon
time kritikel ni la kaw nk khatam kn sume muvi/series/drama korea dlm external. sehari suntuk ni sanggop besengkang mata abeskan satu season criminal minds. tak makan. tak tido. selagi tak abes selagi tu tak tenang nak stat blaja. Satu pencapaian bile mampu abeskan satu season.

5. Sume Orang Jdk Baek. 
ni paling ketara. status gtalk/ym/fb/twitter sokmo mohon maap di atas segale kesilapan, tekasar bahasa. mencarut pn takde nih (ni time stadi wik je okeh. abes je jawab paper susah, blom jejak ni pintu keluar exam hall, bebakul dah sumpah-seranah). 
cakap plak penoh ilmiah je. Dengan cosmet yg seblom ni tak penah2 nye betegor sape, (kadang2 tataw name pn) siap add gtalk dorang ni. persediaan. kang senang nk tanye soalan. 

6. Solat di Awal Waktu
ni paling best. sejuk bumi utp waktu exam. alhamdulilah. huhu

Ni la di antara sindrom bile exam fever kat utp(i think the same goes for the other uni's).
sume ni la yg aku dok mengulang buat tetiap sem seblom nk exam.
bile time exam tak buat all-out bau nak rase menyesal.
taon dpn buat azam nak stat blaja dr awal. tp........haha.

entri ni khas didedikasikan(woo ayat kaw) buat teman yang nak exam in the next following weeks.
jgn stres kawan2. doa+selawat byk2.
make sure rehat+makan yg cukop.
minum alot of water+sweet things eg kismis,gula2. Good for our brain.
good luck frens!

“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.”- Mahatma Gandhi.

Apr 24, 2011


it was your birthday.
you're getting older.
and i'm getting scared.
scare u wont be here when i need you.
scare u wont be around when i miss you.
no matter how strong batman,
how great spiderman,
how awesome superman,
you'll always be my hero.
i love you daddy.

Apr 19, 2011

its been awhile since the last update.
past days were filled with lots of memorable things.
thousand words, hundred stories to share. in the end, only one page can give it all away.
girls outing to genting, training program, created my fb account finally.( I know how lame u’ll think I am but who cares..heh)
am thinking back what happened, rupa nya banyak benda yang dah slipped away for the past 2+ years yg kite tak sedar and kite tak buat. Reason?maybe becos of money, time constraint, friends, exams etc..
then I did my own to-do list and bile abes je listed everything down, panjangnye list tu sampai buleh buat pita pengukur jalan.
Tadaaa!! This is my own top 10 list yg SERIUS wajib buat:

·   Skydiving, bungee jumping, paragliding.
·        Bring my parents to perform hajj.
·        Backpacking/tour Europe.
·        Join volunteering program, help poor people, animals.
·        Confess to my secret admire (yg ni I will probably not doing it forever kot).
·        Learn to play guitar, drums
·        Send a message in a bottle, put in my phone number and see who got the bottle!
·        Learn to ballroom dance properly and have my first dance with the man i love.
·        Contribute something to the use of community; bench or gazebo would be nice, with my name on it.
·        Photocopied my face and hang it on my room’s wall.

And the list goes on and on. We are chasing the future, forgetting the past and let
the present passed. Seriously guys, make your own wishlist.  

Remind yourself that life is like a coin, you can spend it in any way, but you only
spend it once.   

"Family means too much, friends are too valuable, and life is too short to put off sharing with people, how much they really mean to you, and pursuing whatever it is makes you happy" 

Sorry for the overflowing emotions in this entry. Stress kot pkir psl weekly report yg baru sampai week 6. -.-‘’