Mar 13, 2011

another weekends.

wau! buleh msuk melesia book of records ni! 2 mgu stret x blek umah!! syabas bete!!
weekend ni xtipu okeh. intention of staying in kl for this weekend cos nk pegi matta fair. so this time i went there. really.
taw matta fair tu hape? haaa...matta fair alot like tourism fair la. mmg murah tahap babun ah kalo sesape nk pegi melancong in/out of mesia. murah mmg murah. tp kaw tau, org dkt pwtc tu mcm ulek taik!! nk tgu beratur msuk hall je dh blh tawap masjid jamek 3 round. segale jenis org dtg. bau orang eh toksah cito. so, maleh nk kasik ketiak kepam, i jus hang around kt lobi seri pacific n the mall area je. ade ekon. ade kebab. jagung bakar.
tp one thing i really konpius bile ade big fair mcm ni, msti nk ade clown n maskot. bajet nk entertain bdk kecik. pdahal yg smgt lebeh mak bapak dorg okeh. bkn hape dorg dtg dekat je, bdk2 dh tekincit. klo kiut miut xpe. ni dhla besa kanggaru nye, idong senget pulok, bau toksah cite, 3 batu dh blh kasik idong ko ilang deria. blm lg clown yg lalu over ur head. muke putih kene lupak dgn tepong gomak. i uplod few pics time pg matta fair las wiken. but gamba x blh nk uplod byk sbb tenetsaks.

ni dgn awek jepon celop.

clown yg kasik bdk2 kecik tecirit.
after all the hassle, i met my roomie at jln tar since dye ajak teman soping tudung. so tour la dr jln tar-msjid jamek-carrefour wangsa maju non stop. sumpah pnt gile tp puas ati sbb dpt ape yg nk dibeli. then spend a nite at her house at wangsa maju. blom smpat landing tawap plak pasa mlm dpn umah dye. longga lutut. the nex day, we learned on how to make sushi. xde la ssh sgt der..goreng telur, msk nasik, rebus2..tadaaa!!
here i share sum pics yg mmbuktikan ke-terer-an we ols buat mende alah ni.

ni tgh nk prep ingredients.

ni plak tgh lenyet2 nasik kasik rate.

tada!! dh jdk..

last wiken abit  tired but alot fun. this coming wiken i promise to my dearie mommy n daddy nk blek. so anak soleh kono la balek. hehe..thats it. pape yg bes, i share later on. adios!

naek 3 kilo laie. apo nk jdk ni ain. 


Nazeerah said...

shushi yg x berapa nak lawa tuh mesti ain yg buat.. kahkah..

ala ain,ko cubit sikit2 semua benda tu masuk mulut rasa shushi gak dia.. payah2 je nak gulung2.. haha

ain yasin said...

sebenanye naz, xde satu pn sushi 2 yg ak buat..ak tukang ssun dlm tepawer je..kah3!
kok ak buat, mmg xde rupe sushi ar, jd swiss roll ade la..hahahha

'they call me : dindang' said...

ainn, gamba 2nd sushi ade kaki orang!

kaki ko la tu pki sua pendekk memanjang, hehe

ain yasin said...

ahahha!woi dindang, org tgk sushi tu okeh. ni tgk kaki.

::mareney:: said...

haa..tgk..berpedah jugak ko dtg berwiken umah aku..dpt p jejalan..dpt blaja wat shushi..x sia2 mai umah aku nih..haaa..satu lagi..ko lupa nak tulih nih..KO MAEN DANCE PAD..bukan senang nak jumpa tuh..da la pree je main..(gile rumet mu komen cam nak wat karangan..haha)