Feb 28, 2011

nothing much.

since this week is the end of february and the beginning of march, it means i still have 5 months to complete my interns. 3 months here in klcc making me realize that working is not gonna be on the top of my to-do-list-after-graduate..dulu b4 inten asek rase bile la nk grad ni..nk keje..muak dh tgk buku tebal pekejadahnye ni(walopon poyo bli sbb kwn2 sume bli, xnk kalah pnye psl) pastu ade test, final, lab..mmg stres ni, blom kire event lg..kdg2 mlm smpi xtdo pike psl event, miting sane sini, kalah yb. 
discussion lg, pastu ade kuiz plak, mau x gile..tp bile dh keje, kebosanan nye mmg melampaui thp karma. ari2 buat keje same, msuk opis pkol 8, kua pkol 5. pkol 1 lunch. ngadap pc smpi juling2 buat keje..blom msuk psl bos g. bos baek bes la kaw. klo bos mcm tapir tua, sumpah tiap kali tgk mke dye akn rse nk lempang lelaju. 
so i decided to change my direction la kn. lps pike punye pike, my 23 year-old-plan-of-life come out like this.
1) amek master kt obersee. nk gak merase maen2 salji. anto salam perantauan kt suratkabo. cewahh. im thinking of these two places.


2) abes master, crik keje. then my mom ckp "ssh2, jdk lecturer je ain." mmm..gud idea mummy, thumbs up!! mulie hape jd cekgu ni. 
3) bli umah satu, kete satu.
kondo cukopla. umah beso2 ni bia my hubby la beli ye x.
bes woo kete ni.

 4) mm..sume dh ade, so ape g, kap-alip-wen la weyy.  
semat x plan ni? haa...so pasni kene rajen2. jgn dok tgk cite korea. jgn asek tgk glee. jgn asek men game.
fine. nk smbg keje. ciao. 


farhana roslee said...

same as me ain!
kau baru plan,aku dah lame plan cam ni..
dah lame benti tgk korea...hihi

azuaNi kasiraN said...

rancang xbole blah!
kalo ko smbung master obersea..
ak pon nk gak!
ak myb Korea kot..hoho~

ain yasin said...

@papoki amboi dh lame plan ni..ak bau smpi seru nk smbg blajo..cte korea??seyes ssh nk tgl beb.mkin lame maken emsem abg korea yg kua kt tb ni.

@wani tu ah wani,muak dow keje ni..dpt lak dok opis, biyo ler ak amek master..amboi, nk g korea ni..jgn ko bwk blek korea x sunat jdk laki ko suda..kui3

Anonymous said...

fuyoo jang dh ado blog..ate? apese mike x kabo..

azuaNi kasiraN said...

bengong! dpt hensem mcm siwon ok gak..dpt mcm shindong..haru trus..hahaha...seyes weh..kumpul duit! kte sambung obersea..hee~